US Federal Court Litigation

We provide legal representation and strategic counsel to bring about solutions for certain cases – whether it involves civil rights, constitutional issues, administrative law, or other federal matters.

Motions and Appeals

We deliver expert legal assistance for motions and appeals of employers and individuals going through the visa application process whether facing visa denials, revocations, or seeking reconsideration of immigration decisions.

Visa Renewal and Extension Applications

We provide assistance for renewal and extension of visas for individuals to ensure that they maintain their legal status in the United States, allowing them to continue their studies, work, or visit.

Nunc Pro Tunc Filings

We provide legal assistance for Nunc Pro Tunc Filings for visa applications and petitions, addressing cases where individuals face unforeseen delays or complications. We ensure that clients rectify issues promptly and maintain their immigration status.

Expediting and Reinstatement of Cases

We offer legal services for expediting and reinstating cases to move certain cases forward, shorten processing times, and deliver the desired immigration solutions ensuring timely progress and resolution.

US Consular Processing

We provide assistance to individuals through the process of U.S. consular processing for visas. Whether pursuing family-sponsored visas, employment-based visas, or other categories.

Waivers and Certain “Out-of-Status” Relief

We provide legal services, guidance, and assistance for individuals seeking waivers and specific relief for those currently considered “out-of-status.” Whether addressing issues related to overstays, visa violations, or other out-of-status scenarios, we offer comprehensive legal support to help clients pursue the necessary relief and resolve their immigration status.